Monday, May 5, 2014

More Abdominal Workout Tips

A Healthy Body=A Healthy Mind

Alright! Here are some Abdominal workout ideas I came up with and so far, I have seen awesome results. (Don't forget everyone has different body types! The important thing is to feel healthier). I wanted to focus on my lower back and abs because I noticed I wasn't having lower back issues from sitting at my desk so much at work. Plus, having a strong back and core will help prevent injuries in the future. Let me know how these work out for you!

Materials Needed:

Exercise Ball
Yoga Mat
Positive Mindset!

Beginning Exercise #1

Begin by warming up your abs! I always do this before any exercise! For beginners, try doing crunches: 3 sets of 20. Start by doing a regular crunch upward 20 times. Then switch the the left and do 20 more crunches and then crunch the the right (or vise versa). For the more advanced ladies, I started out with 30 crunches each set and I am now at 40 crunches for each set.

Exercise #2

After warming up, I take a few seconds for a break and I transition myself into something more intense. Depending upon what you are trying to accomplish, you can do these exercises in an order! Then I usually begin to work on my lower abs. 

Beginners: 30 reverse crunches (leg lifts)
Intermediate: 40 reverse crunches (lef lifts)
Advanced: 50 or more reverse crunches (leg lifts)

Reverse crunches or leg lifts, I've heard of this exercise in many different ways, consists of you pulling your legs into your chest and pushing them back out in the most straight of a line as you can get. You should really feel the burn on your lower abs. I always put my hands behind my head for balance, but putting your hands underneath your bottom might be easier.

Exercise #3

Scissors Crunches! These will totally make you feel the burn, in both your abs and your legs! (Hurts so good).

Beginners: 20 
Intermediate - Advanced 30 and over

To perform scissor crunches you simply lie flat on the ground, I typically use a yoga mat or blanket to lie down on because my back/tail bone is pretty prominent, then you lift your legs 30% or 40% off the ground in a straight angle, and your move your left leg over your right and then switch to moving the right over the leg in a scissor-like motion.

Exercise # 3

Then I'll get some cardio mixed in there and I will do mountain climbers. All you do is get in the push-up position and bring one leg into your chest at a time and bring it up and down in a running motion to get your heart rate up!

Do this for 1-3 minutes depending upon how your body feels. Don't forget to get out of your comfort zone and really push!!
To work on your balance, try using an exercise ball! (See picture below).

Exercise # 4

Planks! Planks are good to build the strength of your back muscles which will prevent back injuries down the road! I always have to use a yoga mat or blanket of some sort to my elbows when doing this exercise. 

I typically begin my planks with both arms on the ground. Try placing a mirror beside you so you can see your form! Don't put your bottom up in the air and don't sag either. Try to be as straight as possible.

Hold the plank for 45 seconds and complete 2 repetitions. If you need to, only do 30 seconds until you have built up more of a resistance to the exercise.

Take about 2 minutes for a break and then complete the left and right side planks with the same 45 second hold with 2 repetitions.

These are just a few ideas to help you get healthy and feel amazing! I noticed, the more I workout, the clearer my mind is while at work. A healthy body= A healthy mind! Keep pushing and strive to be the best you can be. Don't give up! Just keep telling yourself over and over again, "I can do it! Keep going!"

I hope these tips help you!