Monday, June 16, 2014

Pilates: Take Control Of Your Health

For some people, lifting weights just doesn't fulfill their need for exercising. There are many techniques out there to strengthen your muscles, but there is one particular form of exercise has really stood out to me after doing some research: Pilates. The form in which the body and the mind are connected.

Sure we've all heard about Pilates, but how well do you know about this form of exercise? Having a healthy body is just as important as having a healthy mind and Pilates works on both! It is an exercise that can help you heal your ailments without taking drugs to temporarily fix them.

Think about it! Why on earth would you pay a bunch of money to take medicine when you can help yourself heal AND become fit all in one! Plus, your health insurance may even reimburse you for joining the gym and taking some Pilates classes! 

Pilates has a variety of forms of exercise, from Yoga techniques, to Martial Art exercises, and even Boxing!

Check out this short video on the History of Pilates. It is a perfect explanation of the origin of Pilates as well as a brief overview of the potential it may have for you!

Why Pilates?

  • Help you heal minor ailments
  • Help strengthen your mind and body for a healthier, more energetic life
  • Do you sit at a desk all day? Correct your posture!
  • Get your 6 pack you always wanted
If you would rather workout at home, Amazon has some pretty inexpensive DVDs teaching Pilates. 

Check it out: