Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Motivational Tips To Keep Striving

Lately, motivation has been hard to come by. I really have had to dig deep to keep myself going and I know I'm not the only woman out there who has found herself in the same rut! Our busy schedules and lives are becoming more hectic! We must keep pushing forward and making sure we are staying motivated because one specific time of the year is here and almost all women dread it: swimsuit shopping! This is when we, as women, stare at ourselves in the mirror while trying on, God knows how many, swimsuits and we criticize every single thing on our bodies! Why do we do that to ourselves?! Every one of us is beautiful!

Recently, I have found myself looking at pins on Pinterest and I catch myself thinking, "I remember when I used to have that toned of a body," or I think, "I wish I still looked like that." WELL ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I have found a new motivation to keep me trucking along and I think you will benefit from it too!

It's time to get our butts in gear! When you try on your swimsuits and look in the mirror, tell yourself, " Man. I'm going to look great in this swimsuit after I finish my workout program (or diet)!" 

If you're surfing the internet or magazines and see women you would like to strive to look like, then keep saying to yourself, "I WILL LOOK LIKE THAT IN 3 WEEKS!" 

Make sure you give yourself a time frame so you can hold yourself accountable! It will make the goal more realistic and attainable. Tell your friends and/or significant other(s) about your new goal so you will feel the pressure to complete and reach your goal! Make sure you write it down for yourself. You can even put it on a post-it note and hang it on the mirror you use to get ready in the morning!


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