Monday, January 27, 2014

Eating Habits: What You Deserve and Need!

If you exercise then you're in the clear to eat whatever you want! After all, you work so hard to stay motivated, what will your diet have anything to do with your exercising, right?? WRONG! Your eating habits have EVERYTHING to do with exercising! What you put in your body is what you get out of it. Whether you are trying to lose weight, tone your body, or just stay healthy, you need to feed your body what it deserves and needs!

I often preach eating organically because, let's face it, why on earth would you want to put chemicals in your body? 

Why YOU should eat healthy and organic:     
  1. No horrible chemicals that will harm you
  2. Humane conditions for the animals
  3. Tastes and cooks 100% better!
  4. Your mind and body will feel much better within a few days of eating healthier and organically
  5. You'll see quicker and better results with exercising
How can you eat healthier? Isn't it more expensive? No. It's easy! When you create and/or modify a budget you can make room for almost anything! I always purchase organic foods including meats, milk, cheese, and vegetables. How have I made room in my budget to afford it? I buy off-brand toiletries, dish soap, and basically any non-food items you need at the grocery store. You won't believe how much money you have left over for your perishables. Here's a site that gives some other ideas to budget and save money while eating right:

Also, eating out at fast food joints costs a lot over time! I did an experiment with eating out for 2 weeks as opposed to going to the grocery store and eating at home. I spent $100 more eating out (with a family of 2) at fast food places, than going to the grocery store and cooking for 2 weeks.

What exactly do I mean eating healthier? I mean stay away from processed foods! That includes boxed dinners, helper dinners, pizza rolls, etc. I'm not saying never eat them, because we all need a quick dinner once in a while especially if you're a working mom! I also am referring to eating healthier by watching what kinds of foods you eat the most. Try to serve at least 2 vegetables with each meal. I usually have my main meat dish served with 2 different types of vegetables.

It is said the Mediterranean diet is the best for you. It is rich in fruit, vegetables, poultry, beans, and fish. Here is a great site I found that explains the diet. 

This diet claims to be extremely good for your heart, brain development, weight loss, and overall healthiness. I try to keep this in mind when I'm cooking.

Here's an example of their food pyramid:

Make eating healthy a priority for you and your family!
As always,
stay motivated ladies and you will see results! Keep yourself healthy because you deserve it!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Quick Arm Workout

With everyone settling back into their routines after the holidays, it is super important to keep making room for your workouts! Revisit the blog on scheduling workouts if you need to. Keep motivated! Just remember, spring is right around the corner!

Here are some quick arm workout ideas for when you only have 10-20 minutes to spare for a quick workout! Perhaps before getting ready for the day.

Materials Needed:

Dumbbells (any weight)
Medicine Ball

Exercise 1:

This exercise is 2-in-1. It's  bicep curl with shoulder press.
Take the dumbbells in your hands and put them at your sides with your palms facing outward. Lift the dumbbells up bending at your elbow. Then continue to lift the dumbbells up over your head and this counts as 1. Complete 3 sets of 10.

Exercise 2:

Tricep Extentions. You can do this with either both your hands on the dumbbell or just one. Bring the dumbbell up over your head and slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head and back up above your head and that counts as 1. Again, do 3 sets of 10.

Exercise 3:

Chest Fly. You can do this exercise on your medicine ball or sitting up on a chair. You're basically opening your arms up. Start with your dumbbells in front of you placed together in each hand. Then open each arm up to the outside as if you are opening up for a hug. Complete 3 sets of 10 as well.

I typically do these 3 workouts right before I get ready to jump in the shower! Why not start your day in the right direction! You'll feel so much better!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Exercising While Pregnant: Finding the Motivation

Some of you have requested suggestions for exercising while pregnant and how to stay motivated through it all. Before performing anything serious, consult with your doctor, especially if you were not used to working out before you were pregnant. With that being said, according to, The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology has recommended about 30 minutes or more of exercise per day while pregnant, unless you have a medical complication. 

Exercising is not only good for your body, but your unborn baby's development! It can help you build more endurance and a stamina for when it comes time to deliver the baby. Low-impact exercising is the safest! 

Materials Needed:

Yoga Mat and/or Exercise Ball
Click for Yoga Mats
Click for dumbbells

Low-Impact Exercises:

  • Brisk Walking
  • Pool activities (nothing that requires holding your breath!)
  • Bicycling (usually indoor, taught by an instructor)

Dumbbell Exercises:

  • Bicep curls
      • Use 3-5 pound dumbbells. Sitting down, usually on an exercise ball or a Yoga mat, curl the dumbbell up toward your face.
  • Shoulder Press
      • Using the same weight, sitting down, start at your shoulders and push the dumbbells up. Your arm should be straight in the air holding the dumbbells. Bring them back down and that counts as 1.

Bicep Curls

Shoulder Press

Motivation to Exercise

For those of you who have already had children, you know the pain and discomfort associated with giving birth. Exercise can help alleviate some of that discomfort during labor! 

Reasons to stay motivated:
  • Prevent or ease your back pain
  • Help boost your mood
  • Help you sleep better at night!
  • Less likely to gain excess weight (NOTE: baby weight is completely natural and NEEDED for the baby)
  • Help with labor pains and discomfort
  • More likely to keep exercising after having the baby

Keep your eye on the prize! Think about the future and all your hard work and determination WILL pay off! Congratulations on your pregnancy and may all your babies be extremely healthy! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Workout Ideas While Watching TV

Over the holidays I discovered some awesome workout ideas while watching TV. These exercises will be great to do especially when the weather outside is grim and for those of you who have made your New Year's resolution to getting fit. They will help you make the transition into regular workouts for a successful resolution! You can do it!

Materials needed:

-Exercise ball
-Positive mindset

You can do these exercises while facing the TV! Be aware of your body, don't over-do yourself. Take breaks if necessary.

Exercise 1 (Side Fire Hydrant with Exercise Ball)

On your left side, hug the exercise ball with your left arm. The elbow should be at a 90 degree angle on top of the ball with your hip barely resting on the side of the ball. Your left leg will be bent and the knee resting on the floor. The majority of the pressure should be on your elbow, NOT your knee. For those of you who have bad knees place a cushion underneath. You right leg should be extended out straight with a pointed foot. You will lift your right leg up and then down as a leg lift with your leg kept straight the whole time. Place your right hand on your hip for balance. Once your leg is down, slowly bend your knee up towards your chest and back down again and that counts as 1. Do this for 10  times and then switch to your right side. Try to push yourself and complete 3 set of 10 on each side.

Exercise 2 (Crunches)

Facing the TV, do 40 crunches rotating each time. Refer to the Quick Exercise Ideas to Get Started blog. It goes more in depth of the types of crunch reps you can do.

Exercise 3 (Push-ups)

Plain push-ups can go a long way! Try to do 10-20 push-ups during the commercial of your favorite show! If you need to do "girl" push-ups there's no shame in that! Be proud of your efforts! 


Keep going, stay motivated! You'll love the results and be proud of who YOU are!