Thursday, January 16, 2014

Quick Arm Workout

With everyone settling back into their routines after the holidays, it is super important to keep making room for your workouts! Revisit the blog on scheduling workouts if you need to. Keep motivated! Just remember, spring is right around the corner!

Here are some quick arm workout ideas for when you only have 10-20 minutes to spare for a quick workout! Perhaps before getting ready for the day.

Materials Needed:

Dumbbells (any weight)
Medicine Ball

Exercise 1:

This exercise is 2-in-1. It's  bicep curl with shoulder press.
Take the dumbbells in your hands and put them at your sides with your palms facing outward. Lift the dumbbells up bending at your elbow. Then continue to lift the dumbbells up over your head and this counts as 1. Complete 3 sets of 10.

Exercise 2:

Tricep Extentions. You can do this with either both your hands on the dumbbell or just one. Bring the dumbbell up over your head and slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head and back up above your head and that counts as 1. Again, do 3 sets of 10.

Exercise 3:

Chest Fly. You can do this exercise on your medicine ball or sitting up on a chair. You're basically opening your arms up. Start with your dumbbells in front of you placed together in each hand. Then open each arm up to the outside as if you are opening up for a hug. Complete 3 sets of 10 as well.

I typically do these 3 workouts right before I get ready to jump in the shower! Why not start your day in the right direction! You'll feel so much better!

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