Thursday, January 2, 2014

Workout Ideas While Watching TV

Over the holidays I discovered some awesome workout ideas while watching TV. These exercises will be great to do especially when the weather outside is grim and for those of you who have made your New Year's resolution to getting fit. They will help you make the transition into regular workouts for a successful resolution! You can do it!

Materials needed:

-Exercise ball
-Positive mindset

You can do these exercises while facing the TV! Be aware of your body, don't over-do yourself. Take breaks if necessary.

Exercise 1 (Side Fire Hydrant with Exercise Ball)

On your left side, hug the exercise ball with your left arm. The elbow should be at a 90 degree angle on top of the ball with your hip barely resting on the side of the ball. Your left leg will be bent and the knee resting on the floor. The majority of the pressure should be on your elbow, NOT your knee. For those of you who have bad knees place a cushion underneath. You right leg should be extended out straight with a pointed foot. You will lift your right leg up and then down as a leg lift with your leg kept straight the whole time. Place your right hand on your hip for balance. Once your leg is down, slowly bend your knee up towards your chest and back down again and that counts as 1. Do this for 10  times and then switch to your right side. Try to push yourself and complete 3 set of 10 on each side.

Exercise 2 (Crunches)

Facing the TV, do 40 crunches rotating each time. Refer to the Quick Exercise Ideas to Get Started blog. It goes more in depth of the types of crunch reps you can do.

Exercise 3 (Push-ups)

Plain push-ups can go a long way! Try to do 10-20 push-ups during the commercial of your favorite show! If you need to do "girl" push-ups there's no shame in that! Be proud of your efforts! 


Keep going, stay motivated! You'll love the results and be proud of who YOU are!

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