Thursday, December 26, 2013

Self Control

Having self control is a big factor for exercising as well. After speaking with many of the "modern women" out there, I've gathered the notion that self control is difficult to come by. Perhaps we've all become too set in our ways and comfort zones, so I would like to elaborate on how to improve your self control! Not only will this help you with getting off the couch and exercising, but it will help you improve your eating habits, school work, and almost every aspect in your life!

What is self control? Self control, according to the 2013 Merriam-Webster's dictionary, is the restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires.

We know what it is, but how do we utilize it? I, for one, tell myself over and over again, "you got this" or "you can do it" or "keep going, don't stop now." It is proven that a habit forms after doing something 3 times consecutively. Make exercising a habit. Once you get up and do it at least 3 times, it will become much easier for you to continue it. Make it a habit and part of a routine.

When I'm shopping I practice self control by asking myself, "Is this a need or a want?" This technique works every time! If you answer I want this, then you can put it back. It's the little things, such as shopping, that will help you build your self control for the larger things like exercising.

Others may find self control in religion and support groups. Often, people meditate and practice yoga! A yoga specialist in your local area would be able to assist you in learning the techniques.

Here are some tips for improvement:

  • Write down your weaknesses on one side of the paper and strengths on the other
  • Write down ideas of how you want to improve the weaknesses
    • How can you use your strengths to help your weaknesses?
  • Write reasons why you want to practice self control in those areas
  • Number what you will work on first, don't try to take it on all at once
  • Let your friends and family know you are trying to strengthen your self control and let them know the basics so they can help tell you no
    • They need to support you, if they don't, then perhaps you're better off without them
    • Remind them you are trying to improve yourself, maybe they'll want to join in with you too! :)
    • Super important-constantly remind yourself you can do it. Like I said before, put up inspirational quotes on the mirror you use to get ready.


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Quick Exercise Ideas to Get Started

2 props that help with working out at home process:

  • One medium to large exercise ball
  • One set of dumbbells

The exercise ball is usually only $10 or $15 at Walmart or on Amazon.

The exercise ball is really great to assist you with your abdominal workouts and some leg workouts!

If you would rather not buy dumbbells, you can totally improvise! I've used milk cartons at one point in time and even a closed bag of flour or sugar before!

If you haven't worked out in a while and need to just get back into the swing of things, try doing this before every shower, or whenever you have a spare 20-30 minutes.
           25-50 jumping jacks
           20 push-ups (take a break half way if you need to)
           20 in-place lunges(make sure you NEVER extend your knee over your foot when doing lunges)
           20 in-place squats
           200 crunches
          150 crunches and 2 minutes total of planks. Each rep being 45 seconds long, alternating arms.

I love crunches-so I have a lot of different ways to perform this exercise. I usually do my crunches in reps of 40. So I'll do 40 regular crunches and then alternate and do 40 crunches to the left and then 40 to the right. Then you can use the exercise ball and put your feet on top of the ball with your legs extended out and crunch up. Leg lifts are also very good. Especially to work on your lower abs. Russian twist are a must as well! You literally,with or without weights, twist from side to side in the crunch position usually at a 40 to 45 degree angle. Pictures are below for all of these.

Russian Twist

Now of course your eating habits will effect your results. So if you want to lose weight, then make sure you are burning more calories than you take in. Keeping track of the calories you consume will help a great deal. I have an excel spreadsheet if you are interested in seeing for an example or even use just let me know and I'll email it to you! :)



Another technique of doing the plank

Regular crunch

Crunch to the left and right
Crunching to the exercise ball

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Planning Your Work Outs

After finding the motivation and the time to workout the next important step to set yourself up for success is planning. Planning what you want to work on and when you will do it is very important. I suggest writing it down on something you won't lose. Make it big so you are constantly reminded. I usually use my phone's calendar. For example, on Tuesdays I have a calendar event set at 7:30am to work on arms. Then in the description I have what parts I will work on like bi-ceps and tri-ceps. Some of you might benefit more from having a more tangible schedule in place such as on the refridgerator. Whatever works for you do it!

Just as an example, here's how I have my planning done. I have set goals for myself and they are written down and taped on my desk in my bedroom so I am reminded constantly. I also write out how I plan to achieve those goals. Such as the workouts I will do, eating habits, etc. 

Your eating habits are EXTREMELY important as well. I, for one, suggest eating ORGANICALLY.  I have noticed the biggest difference since switching over.

Then I coordinate my workouts according to my time schedule. For example, on days I have more time to workout, I plan to do the most vigorous workouts on that day. I want to work on definition of my legs for right now so on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I work mostly on my legs. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I work mostly on my arms and of course I do an abdominal workout everyday. It really just depends on what you want to work on the most. If you want to lose weight around your belly, then make sure to focus on that region more days than the other areas. 

Please, if you need ideas or help organizing your thoughts and goals, feel free to message me or write it in the comments. I would be happy to help or give suggestions!

Just imagine how awesome it's going to feel crossing off those goals you've achieved!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Finding the Time

                                              Fitting in a Workout

When is the best time for a workout? Well the answer is simple; whenever you have an extra few minutes! 

Let's take a look at going to the gym. Some of you will want to or probably already go to the gym and workout there. Before some changes in my career, I always found the time to go to the gym right after work for at least 30-60 minutes. I would bring a change of clothes with me to work and either change there or at the gym. If you're worried about being too tired to fix dinner afterwords, I have a solution! A crock-pot! The best invention since the 70s. Your dinner or supper, depending on what region you're in, will be ready to serve by the time you get home from the gym.

Since my work changes, I've had to improvise with my new time schedule and budget! I now workout at home. On days I begin work later on, like 10 'o clock in the morning, I typically wake up 20-30 minutes before I would normally jump in the shower. That's when I do my major workouts such as using my dumb bells and my exercise ball. I typically like to start every workout with an abdominal workout as a warm-up, but I'll get into details of different workout ideas in a different post.

I also find time to do some crunches during the commercials while I watch TV. That's definitely a great time to do something!

On the days I work earlier in the morning like 8:30, I workout on my lunch break and in the evening once I'm off of work. I have the luxury of living close enough to my work, so I can go home on my lunches. 

If you are unable to go home on lunch or just don't want to do anything on your lunch break, I definitely recommend working out after work especially during commercials because let's face it, more times than often you don't really pay attention to the commercials. Have your kids join you in working out. It's a great bonding experience and it will keep them healthy as well! Any kind of downtime you might have, is the perfect opportunity to exercise and get the ball rolling! Try writing down all the time you might have and then you will be able to make a schedule out of that. You WILL see results physically and emotionally, just keep pushing yourself to stay motivated!

In the comments below, let me know what's stopping you and we can work a solution out! :)

     Opportunities to workout:
  • A few minutes before work
  • On lunch break
  • After work
  • During commercials on TV
  • Have your kids join you in working out!
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Reasons To Exercise


It all starts with motivation! How on earth are you going to find the motivation to exercise when you work 40 + hours a week. When you get home from work, you're done for the day. Am I right?

Here are some reasons to get motivated:
  1. If you don't take care of your body, who will?
  2. Exercise relieves stress from your everyday routine (It's YOU time)
  3. Along with physical strength comes emotional strength (confidence)
  4. Do it while you can! When you're 90 years old you don't want to regret not doing something
  5. Prevent illnesses! Exercising will keep you healthy
  6. Opportunity to meet new people
  7. You will have more energy throughout the day
  8. You will start to notice a "healthy glow" in your face!
If those aren't reasons enough for you, then just think, "What event is coming up that I can wear a brand new dress to and look smoking hot in?!" That'll definitely get you motivated to exercise!
The number ONE reason to workout should be for YOURSELF. Only you can control how you feel, think, and act. Working out is just the beginning.

Nike has an amazing motto that I live by daily: JUST DO IT.

I have found printing out motivational quotes and taping them to my mirror I get ready in really helps. I also recite it before I leave for the day. I've provided a link below with some great quotes! Maybe you will find success in taping quotes to your mirror as well.

  "The most effective way to do it, is to do it."

                   --Amelia Earhart

Tuesday, December 10, 2013



                                          The Modern Woman           


If I have learned one thing from graduating college, it is once you become a full-time working woman, it is extremely difficult to find time to workout! This is coming from an ex-collegiate athlete! Sure it might be easy to continue your workout routine right after college, but once you become involved in your daily work routines, meetings, volunteer events, and not to mention having a social life, plus for those of you who have a family, let's face it, it's quite the challenge to become motivated to even lift a pound of weight! 

The modern woman is a woman who does it all. She balances work, her family, and has a splash of a social life. She is your everyday, average hard-working woman. 

This Blog is dedicated to every woman out there who finds herself wanting to better herself, but needs that extra push and some totally awesome ideas and ways to workout either at the gym or at home!

    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
       --Thomas A. Edison