Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Reasons To Exercise


It all starts with motivation! How on earth are you going to find the motivation to exercise when you work 40 + hours a week. When you get home from work, you're done for the day. Am I right?

Here are some reasons to get motivated:
  1. If you don't take care of your body, who will?
  2. Exercise relieves stress from your everyday routine (It's YOU time)
  3. Along with physical strength comes emotional strength (confidence)
  4. Do it while you can! When you're 90 years old you don't want to regret not doing something
  5. Prevent illnesses! Exercising will keep you healthy
  6. Opportunity to meet new people
  7. You will have more energy throughout the day
  8. You will start to notice a "healthy glow" in your face!
If those aren't reasons enough for you, then just think, "What event is coming up that I can wear a brand new dress to and look smoking hot in?!" That'll definitely get you motivated to exercise!
The number ONE reason to workout should be for YOURSELF. Only you can control how you feel, think, and act. Working out is just the beginning.

Nike has an amazing motto that I live by daily: JUST DO IT.

I have found printing out motivational quotes and taping them to my mirror I get ready in really helps. I also recite it before I leave for the day. I've provided a link below with some great quotes! Maybe you will find success in taping quotes to your mirror as well.

  "The most effective way to do it, is to do it."

                   --Amelia Earhart

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