Thursday, December 12, 2013

Finding the Time

                                              Fitting in a Workout

When is the best time for a workout? Well the answer is simple; whenever you have an extra few minutes! 

Let's take a look at going to the gym. Some of you will want to or probably already go to the gym and workout there. Before some changes in my career, I always found the time to go to the gym right after work for at least 30-60 minutes. I would bring a change of clothes with me to work and either change there or at the gym. If you're worried about being too tired to fix dinner afterwords, I have a solution! A crock-pot! The best invention since the 70s. Your dinner or supper, depending on what region you're in, will be ready to serve by the time you get home from the gym.

Since my work changes, I've had to improvise with my new time schedule and budget! I now workout at home. On days I begin work later on, like 10 'o clock in the morning, I typically wake up 20-30 minutes before I would normally jump in the shower. That's when I do my major workouts such as using my dumb bells and my exercise ball. I typically like to start every workout with an abdominal workout as a warm-up, but I'll get into details of different workout ideas in a different post.

I also find time to do some crunches during the commercials while I watch TV. That's definitely a great time to do something!

On the days I work earlier in the morning like 8:30, I workout on my lunch break and in the evening once I'm off of work. I have the luxury of living close enough to my work, so I can go home on my lunches. 

If you are unable to go home on lunch or just don't want to do anything on your lunch break, I definitely recommend working out after work especially during commercials because let's face it, more times than often you don't really pay attention to the commercials. Have your kids join you in working out. It's a great bonding experience and it will keep them healthy as well! Any kind of downtime you might have, is the perfect opportunity to exercise and get the ball rolling! Try writing down all the time you might have and then you will be able to make a schedule out of that. You WILL see results physically and emotionally, just keep pushing yourself to stay motivated!

In the comments below, let me know what's stopping you and we can work a solution out! :)

     Opportunities to workout:
  • A few minutes before work
  • On lunch break
  • After work
  • During commercials on TV
  • Have your kids join you in working out!
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator

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