Thursday, December 19, 2013

Quick Exercise Ideas to Get Started

2 props that help with working out at home process:

  • One medium to large exercise ball
  • One set of dumbbells

The exercise ball is usually only $10 or $15 at Walmart or on Amazon.

The exercise ball is really great to assist you with your abdominal workouts and some leg workouts!

If you would rather not buy dumbbells, you can totally improvise! I've used milk cartons at one point in time and even a closed bag of flour or sugar before!

If you haven't worked out in a while and need to just get back into the swing of things, try doing this before every shower, or whenever you have a spare 20-30 minutes.
           25-50 jumping jacks
           20 push-ups (take a break half way if you need to)
           20 in-place lunges(make sure you NEVER extend your knee over your foot when doing lunges)
           20 in-place squats
           200 crunches
          150 crunches and 2 minutes total of planks. Each rep being 45 seconds long, alternating arms.

I love crunches-so I have a lot of different ways to perform this exercise. I usually do my crunches in reps of 40. So I'll do 40 regular crunches and then alternate and do 40 crunches to the left and then 40 to the right. Then you can use the exercise ball and put your feet on top of the ball with your legs extended out and crunch up. Leg lifts are also very good. Especially to work on your lower abs. Russian twist are a must as well! You literally,with or without weights, twist from side to side in the crunch position usually at a 40 to 45 degree angle. Pictures are below for all of these.

Russian Twist

Now of course your eating habits will effect your results. So if you want to lose weight, then make sure you are burning more calories than you take in. Keeping track of the calories you consume will help a great deal. I have an excel spreadsheet if you are interested in seeing for an example or even use just let me know and I'll email it to you! :)



Another technique of doing the plank

Regular crunch

Crunch to the left and right
Crunching to the exercise ball

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