Tuesday, December 10, 2013



                                          The Modern Woman           


If I have learned one thing from graduating college, it is once you become a full-time working woman, it is extremely difficult to find time to workout! This is coming from an ex-collegiate athlete! Sure it might be easy to continue your workout routine right after college, but once you become involved in your daily work routines, meetings, volunteer events, and not to mention having a social life, plus for those of you who have a family, let's face it, it's quite the challenge to become motivated to even lift a pound of weight! 

The modern woman is a woman who does it all. She balances work, her family, and has a splash of a social life. She is your everyday, average hard-working woman. 

This Blog is dedicated to every woman out there who finds herself wanting to better herself, but needs that extra push and some totally awesome ideas and ways to workout either at the gym or at home!

    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
       --Thomas A. Edison

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