Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Planning Your Work Outs

After finding the motivation and the time to workout the next important step to set yourself up for success is planning. Planning what you want to work on and when you will do it is very important. I suggest writing it down on something you won't lose. Make it big so you are constantly reminded. I usually use my phone's calendar. For example, on Tuesdays I have a calendar event set at 7:30am to work on arms. Then in the description I have what parts I will work on like bi-ceps and tri-ceps. Some of you might benefit more from having a more tangible schedule in place such as on the refridgerator. Whatever works for you do it!

Just as an example, here's how I have my planning done. I have set goals for myself and they are written down and taped on my desk in my bedroom so I am reminded constantly. I also write out how I plan to achieve those goals. Such as the workouts I will do, eating habits, etc. 

Your eating habits are EXTREMELY important as well. I, for one, suggest eating ORGANICALLY.  I have noticed the biggest difference since switching over.

Then I coordinate my workouts according to my time schedule. For example, on days I have more time to workout, I plan to do the most vigorous workouts on that day. I want to work on definition of my legs for right now so on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I work mostly on my legs. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I work mostly on my arms and of course I do an abdominal workout everyday. It really just depends on what you want to work on the most. If you want to lose weight around your belly, then make sure to focus on that region more days than the other areas. 

Please, if you need ideas or help organizing your thoughts and goals, feel free to message me or write it in the comments. I would be happy to help or give suggestions!

Just imagine how awesome it's going to feel crossing off those goals you've achieved!

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